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Headaches, Migraines & TMJ
Types of Headaches
Three Categories of Headaches
Tension Headaches
Migraine Headaches
Cluster Headaches
Sinus Headaches
Stress Headaches
Headache Causes
Traumatic Brain Injury
Blood Pressure
Diseases & Secondary Headaches
Diagnosis & Treatment
DNA Appliance Therapy
MRI Diagnosis & Treatment
CT Scan Diagnosis & Treatment
Neuromuscular Dentistry Treatment
Headache Diagnosis
Headache Pain Medications
Natural Headache Treatments
EEG Diagnosis & Treatment
Headaches & TMJ/TMD
Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD)
Neuromuscular-Related Headaches
TMJ & Trigeminal Nerve
Headache Prevention
Headache vs. Traumatic Brain Injury
Diagnosis of TMD
Treatment of TMD
Headache Support Groups
Headache Statistics
Headaches & SSDI
Video Testimonials
Read More Blogs
Get Help
Nasal Congestion Gone after First Night in DNA/ RNA Appliance by VIVOS.
Neuromuscular Dentist in Chicago, IL Accepting Patients Nationwide & Worldwide
TMJ and Trigeminal nerve pain for more than 10 years / 20 doctors relief from SPG Blocks
Elaine has had TMJ issues for 25 years and Discusses the Solution! TMJ TESTIMONIAL
DNA (VIVOS) appliance and NMD corrects posture, eliminates headaches: TMJ Testimonial, Chicago
TMJ: DNA (VIVOS) Appliance is Amazing SINUS INFECTIONS Gone! TMJSpecialist.NET
Missy describes 12 Years of Successful TMJ Treatment. Chicago TMJ Testimonial
Lock Jaw Relief: Close-Lock of Right TMJ for 5 Months relieved in First Visit.
Amazing To Live My Life Headache Free!
SPG block eliminated Headaches and Migraine and improved Back Pain
Pain is gone after over 30 years of constant pain! TMJ & Migraines
DNA (VIVOS) Appliance :Treatment of TMJ disorder and locking jaw
Sinus Headache Relief for Nick After 3 years with Self Administered SPG Blocks
Chicago Area Physician, Dr Michael Unger loves his sleep apnea appliance.
Oral Appliance Treats Sleep Apnea. Wife Happy with Less Snoring.
DNA (VIVOS) appliance eliminates pain and gives energy. 9-10 Years of Severe TMJ and Neck Pain
Life changing TMJ treatment:
Kelly Describes Relief from Severe TMJ Pain with Dr Shapira
Severe TMJ Pain, Headache and Facial Pain: After 17 Doctors I found Help!
Nasal Congestion Gone after First Night in DNA/ RNA Appliance by VIVOS.
Anxiety Gone For First Time in Life! Patient came in for SPG Block for Migraine.
Brittany experiences relief after severe migraines for more than a decade! tmj testimonial
TMJ patient, Brooklynn talks about her amazing, life changing recovery. TMJ Testimonial
12 Years of Severe Pain , Open Bite and TMJ Resolved With TENS: TMJ TESTIMONIAL